S+S Yard Sale

From the tin? Or picked fresh off the tree? If it's the latter. You're in luck.
Stitches + Steel is about to be Five years old...Yeharr! That Historic moment (miracle) will get the required attention in due course, but for now though, the milestone is providing a very physical steak in the ground.
This is where the S+S Yard Sale comes in. It's about to be a thing (hopefully annually) and it makes us excited. We think it could be exciting for you too.
As Autumn digs its heels in, it'll serve as a good excuse to open up your diary, scrawl down our coordinates and get the date written in it. It's not just a see- us- and- buy- some- B- grade-clobber event, It's our favourite time of year and the best time to sniff out what the East Coast has to offer. If you maybe snagged a bargain or two while you pick up a coffee en route, then that sounds like an excuse for a road trip.
There's many fine details to cover, but like all good yard-sales, it's probably best to gloss over them all.
Instead, you just need to show up with a fist full of grubby tenners and a keen eye for some S+S gear at a heavily reduced rate.
There'll be coffee on the house and we'll be ready in a rag-tag sort of way to sling them out the Atelier doors from early Friday morning- Maybe we'll be sipping something stronger as Friday afternoon sets in. We'll have to wait and see but, we'll be manning the fort for the duration of Saturday too.
We'll be letting you loose on seconds, samples and the mucho' detritus acquired and accumulated over the last half-decade. We also might have the odd van or four (yup, we actually have x4 scruffy, S+S converted, 4motion vans that could find new owners after a recent project we built them for). This might just be, the clear out to end all clear outs.
Any questions or queries please don't hesitate to ping a mail over to us via info@stitchesandsteel.com
Or, if you just fancy a full tits- to- the- wind adventure out East for the weekend then we salute you. Be sure to stop in for a coffee and we'll scrawl some crosses on the map for you while you're here.